Update from November 2016: this program is no longer active. Please contact us at sales@tuletechnologies.com to get updated information.
New in 2016, Tule is giving away free sensors to say thank you for spreading the word about our revolutionary technology. Simply introduce us to your fellow California growers, and for each grower that purchases 3 or more sensors this season, BOTH the grower and you get credit for a FREE additional sensor this 2016 growing season!
There’s more: If they purchase 10 or more sensors, you both get TWO FREE sensor credits this season!
- Send email intro between Tule and a California grower (use: sales@tuletechnologies.com)
- Tule will confirm that we aren’t already talking to this grower, and then you will become eligible for referral credits in the 2016 season.
- When that grower makes an initial purchase of at least 3 sensors at full price, they will receive credit for an additional free sensor, and the referrer will receive one free sensor credit as well. If the new grower purchases 10 or more sensors at full price, both parties will received TWO sensor credits.
- Sensor credits valid for 2016 season only. If referrer has already made a Tule purchase for this season, they can choose between adding an additional sensor or a credit on their existing 2016 subscriptions.
If you have questions about the Tule referral program, please contact us.